Love, Light & Co
Carnelian Tumblestones
Carnelian Tumblestones
Carnelian Bead Tumblestone
Carnelian is the stone for Creativity & Motivation.
Carnelian is a powerful stone that is believed to bring many positive benefits to its users. It is said to be a stone of motivation and encourages creativity, confidence, and courage. It is also believed to help with concentration and focus, as well as provide emotional and physical protection. Carnelian is said to be a powerful stone for grounding and centering, which can help to bring stability and balance to one’s life. It is also believed to bring good luck and prosperity and can help to restore energy levels and vitality. Additionally, Carnelian l is said to be a powerful stone for healing, as it can help to heal physical ailments and emotional trauma.
Please note that all crystals may differ in colour as all crystals have their own uniqueness and individuality.
Love & Light 💫